Reconsideration of seeking for variable range by inverse function 求值域的再思考
Generalized regular variation function and its inverse function 广义正规变化函数及其逆函数
Periodic points of meromorphic function and their odd points of iterative inverse function 亚纯函数的周期点及其迭带的反函数奇点
An integrated maximum value memory and a signal inverse function can be turned on and off at any time by a keyswitch 最大值记忆功能和信号反转功能可以随时通过按键开关来开启或关闭。
The properties of the and variation functions are generalized to the generalized regular variation functions and their inverse functions - ,将变化函数及其逆-变化函数的性质推广到广义正规变化函数及其逆函数
a function obtained by expressing the dependent variable of one function as the independent variable of another; f and g are inverse functions if f(x)=y and g(y)=x